The stolen years

Blog Forums Deconstruction Trying to Move On The stolen years

This topic contains 23 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Jon 1 month, 1 week ago.

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    Oh my word – this is exactly it:


    David Hayward

    Mark Driscoll is under a lot of fire lately, rightly so, and has gone off the radar. Interesting.



    They used to tell us to be discerning about people. But often when my “discernment” (intuition? Common sense?) warned me about someone who’d joined the church, the other members be fawning over him (her now and again). These were often the people involved in spiritual warfare/deliverance, so I would think, but hang on, their discernment is meant to be up there with the best. I usually turned out to be right about those people. Intuition is a great thing (anyone read The Gift of Fear?) Driscoll is one of those people who always had the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Benny Hinn and a few others as well.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    Kinda funny watching this Driscoll video. I love it that he says “God you didn’t come thru for me so I’m going to take matters into my own hands and rebel and sin.” Bah ha ha he’s talking about finding someone to marry. Interesting that the title is “options for singles” but it is mostly advice to women. Also interesting that he has been outed as having paid a media company to get his plagiarized book put on the New York Times Best Seller list. I tend to think he’s a great example of hypocrisy.



    Funny enough, one of the very first parts of my deconstruction was when I read things by Chrsitian psychologist Henry Cloud saying it’s your job to find a life partner, not God’s. That opened the door to lots of other “my own jobs”. Do you remember when there was this whole movement to make the church more “masculine” because they figured the reason there weren’t many men in the church anymore was because it had become “feminised”? So women were doing all the work in the churches, and getting the blame. Looks like there’s always a woman to blame, no matter which way you turn.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    I very much noticed the “let’s take back the church since it’s feminised.” I like Henry Cloud! I do believe that we can make our own decisions and have the life we want. It’s not up to some force out there. It’s right here in my own life.


    David Hayward

    I remember, Danielle. There are still strong currents in that direction. Like Mark Driscoll and all his fans.


    David Hayward

    I’m still learning to regain an awareness of my essential identity.



    YES! Wasted time, lost chances, regrets. That is the most recurring theme in my life. What if?

    But without those years I wouldn’t be where I am now, which is, fortunately, in a loving relationship, having a small handful of close friends, and having a consciousness and awareness I couldn’t have had before given the state of blindness I was experiencing.

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