*** This is a letter from many years ago that I thought would be helpful to repost today. WHAT IS COMPASSIONATE SPEECH? Good day my friends. Today I want to talk about compassionate speech. It was inspired by one of our members posting this quote of Domo Geshe...
Spiritual Supplement: do you suffer in silence?
Here is a good exercise to use to help you progress out of the pain of suffering. Is this your experience? Try these steps while you meditate on this drawing: What suffering have you experienced that you remember clearly? List them all. Which of these sufferings have...
MicroAggressions Deserve MacroCorrections
MicroAggressions Deserve MacroCorrections Today I thought I’d write a short letter to you all. It’s about microagressions. Microaggressions are insults against a certain group of people that come off as a joke or even a compliment. Often they’re not even thought...
The Fear of Freedom
THE FEAR OF FREEDOM Just the other day I was driving and realized how free I was. I also felt a tinge of nervousness: what if I’m lost and don’t know it? Isn’t the nature of deceit that you’re so deceived you don’t even realize it? There’s nobody taking care of me to...
Write That Letter!
WRITE THAT LETTER The other day I wrote a letter to an old friend. The last time we met he said things that were very hurtful. I immediately wrote him at that time and told him so. He dismissed it. So I decided to let the relationship lie dormant for a while. But the...
I’m Using a Commode Chair
I’M USING A COMMODE CHAIR I’m at my parents’. Dad just returned from the hospital and I’m here to help him transition into his home. I’m already exhausted. Sleep-deprivation is a thing. We’ve installed a commode chair over the toilet. Rather than switching back and...
BELIEVING IN SOMETHING YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN Years ago when our children were small we read them a children’s book about the Inuit. They told a story to their children about a monster who lived under the ice, and if you fell through it would eat you. We know that story...
Are You Meeting Opposition?
ARE YOU MEETING OPPOSITION? Yesterday I offered to answer questions from my followers on Instagram. They could type their question and I can video my answer. It lasts a day. I didn’t expect to be so busy! There were lots of questions. But I noticed a common theme:...
YOU DON”T HAVE A GUN TO YOUR HEAD I remember the first time I said this to myself. I had left the ministry (again) in 2003. After a couple of years I decided to try to plant another church. I gave it a few months, realized I hated it, but refused to feel trapped. So I...
What’s TLS Good For?
TLSers have something in common. We are pioneers. Here are the three stages of being a pioneer: You realize you’re not happy where you are. You’re not settled. Everyone else around you seems to be mostly content. But not you! You are restless. Maybe you are even...