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like dew in the morning

I took this photo this morning. It is so simple. So beautiful. It made me think about the small, subtle things in life that I can be thankful for. The little things. Dew is so delicate. It lightly falls in the night while we're sleeping and we awaken to these small...

write down your dreams

I had a dream Saturday night that has stuck with me. Here it is: A woman is in my face scolding me that what I was given was a gift... meaning that it could be taken back. I'm upset and insist that it was an inheritance, meaning that it is mine to keep. I wrote this...

what i think TLS is

Yes, it is sad that John left TLS. You can read his goodbye here. This sentence sums it up: "I am just in a place now where I want silence when it comes to the subject of church, Christianity and spirituality." I said a similar thing myself in a post the same day....

a story of a church visit

(This is a story I wrote 6 years ago about an imagined church visit. It's actually come true since.) I walk slowly into the church. I try to look confident. People look at me with a look of interest. Some smile, but behind the smiles I read curiosity. Immediately I...

Can I please rant for a minute?

Sometimes I find it strange that I still think biblically. In other words, I still look for a kind of biblical story within which to fit my own narrative. For example, lately I've been thinking just how far outside the church I have become and feel. Let me explain....

thankful you guys are made of stretchy material

You've heard this joke, haven't you? What is the stretchiest material in the bible? Skin, because Moses tied his ass to a tree and walked to Bethel. I'm thankful you guys are made of stretchy material. We keep making changes at The Lasting Supper, but it's only...

how i’m a Christian and an Atheist at once

While I was walking my dog this morning in the warm sunlit air along the river I was thinking about how what I call the z-theory is basically trinitarian in structure. I'm trying to articulate this theory because it helps me understand why I can be a Christian and an...

i wouldn’t be better off with a label

Yesterday someone tweeted about me: "… and then fucking nakedpastor says sometimes he's an atheist himself - I say go with that and make it all the time - you'd be better off!" The pressure to conform to a certain group or label is relentless and sometimes even cruel....

Exercise: don’t issue commands

After Lisa and I read the super-amazing little paperback, "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk", we changed the way we communicated, not only with your kids, but with each other and other people. It revolutionized our speech. But more than...

your own personal Copernican Revolution

There are a few Žižek fans on TLS, so I thought I'd share this quote from him: "When a discipline is in crisis, attempts are made to change or supplement its thesis within the terms of its basic framework - a procedure one might call 'Ptolemization' (since when data...