One of the most challenging tasks Lisa and I ever took up was changing in front of our children. I don't mean our clothes. I mean our spirituality. Even though Lisa and I left the church three years ago when our three children were young adults, deconstructing in...
Free Download: Spring Fog and Ice
This is one of my favorite and most popular watercolor paintings. It captures what things look like this time of year where I live. The air is warming up and the ice has mostly melted. But there are places in the forests and marshes that never receive sunlight and the...
magical thinking
Magical thinking is rampant. Religion is its favorite culture. Every once in a while I'll read a book I know I will recommend over and over again to those I think are ready, willing and able to read it. Have you read The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion? An...
the diversity of belief and non-belief
The Lasting Supper is made up of people across the spectrum of belief and non-belief. Actually, that is one of the values we promote here… diversity! For some diversity is threatening. Many people are most comfortable hanging out with a homogeneous group. It is...
loneliness and companionship
Although, inevitably, we must all walk our own unique spiritual paths, isn't it wonderful to come across fellow travelers along the way? I claim the existential feelings of loneliness are a part of a genuine spiritual journey, I also claim that companionship is a...
Potluck Hangout: “Embracing Doubt”
A powerful talk with @revoxley. Thanks Matt for being so honest for us. Your authenticity and care shine through.
embracing doubt is like embracing night
Doubt was always to be greatly feared. Doubt was a sure sign that you were drifting away from the Lord and on your way to backsliding. So doubt was to be avoided at all costs. If it crept up on you it was best to just ignore it. We call this denial. What if we were...
switch or dial?
Sometimes we process a new thing suddenly, like flipping a switch. Other times we process a new thing gradually, like turning a dial. I've observed this in my own life. It's how I can get into trouble. It's also how I can get out. Actually, I think I use the dial to...
free download of painting “moon water”
This is a high-resolution image of a painting of mine that I'm giving you to download for free. A $40 value! All you have to do is click on the image and it will be ready to download. You can use it on your computer desktop or mobile device. You can also get some high...
Potluck Hangout: “I Think I’m An Atheist”
Thanks @Richard, @JeffRoach, @moxierocks and @servantgirl for a great Potluck! We all love what you brought to the table.