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embracing doubt

Last night's Potluck Hangout was a great success! Thanks so much guys for participating in a very engaging discussion, "I Think I'm An Atheist!" We've made this Potluck Hangout public with permission from the participants so that more people can get an idea of what...

disclaimers are good

Disclaimers are important, not only to protect the one disclaiming but to correctly inform people what they are being exposed to. I just put a disclaimer on our Potluck Hangouts. Here it is: * PLEASE NOTE: The opinions expressed in the Hangouts by members of...

are you afraid of becoming an atheist?

I have talked with a lot of members of The Lasting Supper, many of you one on one. Something that frequently comes up in our conversations is the fear of becoming an atheist. I want to talk about that today. Let's look at it from an entirely Christian perspective....

my theology is not yours

My theology is not yours. And that is okay. One of the things that annoyed me in the church was that people assumed, because I was the pastor, that everyone had to subscribe to my belief system. I continually encouraged the people to think for themselves and that we...

not wounded lost or confused

Just because I left the church doesn't mean I'm lost and confused. These are common misconception placed upon those who have left: Your bitter and won't forgive You just didn't find the right church. You are criticizing the bride of Christ You are too intellectually...

Happy Easter free gift!

This is my drawing "Narrow Way". Click on it to get a high-resolution, print-ready image for your computer, mobile device, or to print on quality matte art paper to hang on your wall. A $40 value. Happy Easter!

Don’t Be Ashamed

(***First of all, our deepest apologies for last night's botched Hangout. Stay tuned. We're going to reschedule it right away. We'll let you know when.) Okay! This is a subtle point I'm going to try to make. Stay with me. When I left the church there was a distinct...

embracing your former selves

This is a very simple exercise that has become automatic in my life. I look back on my younger years when I was so certain as a Christian. I meant no malice. I just knew I was right. I was surrounded by agreement, which only bolstered my sense of certainty. I...

measuring others by ourselves

Something we learn as we grow up, or should learn, is that it is not helpful to judge people by measuring them against ourselves. It isn't wise to use ourselves as a gauge for the lives of others. That's immature and small-minded. Of course, in some ways we simply...

practicing the presence

If you've never read Anne Lamott, I recommend it. She's a delightful read. One foot in the church and the other in the literary world. I have this quote from her latest book, "Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers": "If I were going to begin practicing the...