Sophia: Hide
It’s okay to hide. I did. Let me tell you why: Too many people wanted to find me and restore me to the me I was. To the me they think I am, and should be. I couldn’t let them do that. No! So I hid. I hid myself deep within myself, far away from their pitiful eyes. I...
Letter: Why I Still Call The Lasting Supper a “Safe Space”
Hi everyone! Can you hear me buried underneath all of this snow? Almost all of the time, The Lasting Supper goes along just great. Not just goes along, but thrives with awesome interactions. I’m almost always impressed with the quality of people and conversations in...
Sophia: Pioneer
I am a pioneer. I separated myself from the mainstream. I left the forest with its community of trees. I must navigate my own spiritual path, blaze my own trail, and find my own spiritual home. It’s been a while since I escaped. I’ve been through many traumatic...
Sophia: Wild
While I was in captivity I was secretly aware of a wildness within me. I wouldn’t dare share it. Of course it was mostly theory without practice. At this point. I dreamed of it. I hid it. I sheltered it. I nursed it. Others couldn’t see it. If they did I would have...
Sophia: Blacksheep
I strut through the field under the moon as if I own the place. Because I do! The world is mine. All things are mine. Black sheep. That’s me. I was always different. And I always knew it. But I had a remarkable skill of being able to blend in. I knew how to conform. I...
Sophia: Clearing
I didn’t want to come out. I felt safer in the tangled forest of my approved life. There I could hide in the shadows. In fact, I was a shadow of what I was to become. I would be hidden in all the distractions that made themselves available to me. I was an expert in...
Letter: How come? I come by canoe. How you come?
I compare our journeys of leaving the church, or changing our minds, or deconstructing our faith, to taking a canoe down a river. Sometimes there are very smooth times when you hardly even have to paddle. All you have to do is keep your paddle in the water and make...
Is This The Meaning Of Life
Are you wondering what the meaning of life is? Or what your purpose in life is that would give it meaning to you? Do you think, or assume, that it's a question that no one has the answer to yet? Or that its answer is currently beyond your grasp? Do you think the...
Sophia: Hollow
Hollow. That’s a season. A season that comes and goes. When you break free you lose things. Captivity comes with benefits. You will miss them. You will want to go back.But don’t! Don’t be the one who wants to return to the security of the familiar cell. You will be...