Letter: The Sun Shines on All of Us the Same
One of the benefits of the z-theory for me is that it made my suspicion that we are all united, that we are all one, a certainty. It helped me to really see that in spite of our individuality and diversity, we are all deeply connected. Everything everybody experiences...
Letter: Tents, Temples, and Housecleaning
Early in the Old Testament the Israelites traveled through the wilderness before they finally settled. They used tents. They worshipped in a tent called a tabernacle. Everything was, necessarily, portable and temporary. Provisional. Uncertain. Disposable. When they...
Letter: Running, Bleeding, and Waterfalls
So Lisa got up at 5am to get ready to go to work. I finally dragged myself out of bed at 6am in time to see her off. I had a tall glass of water and an espresso, donned my running gear, and took off. I ran 17 kilometers, which is 10.5 miles. I did it in 105 minutes....
Exercise: Understanding Your Emotions
Here is a chart to help us understand our emotions. You know how many of us were raised to not trust our emotions? Then do many of you remember how religion teaches us the same thing... that our emotions are not to be trusted or taken seriously? As a result we become...
Letter: What I’ve Learned From Being Married to the Same Woman
We've had sunshine for 2 days in a row now. I don't know what to do with myself. I know! I'll have another cup of dark roast, listen to some Renaissance Church music, and write you guys my letter! Let's talk about relationships. Something I've learned as Lisa and I...
Letter: Living Where You Can’t Say No
Sit down. I went to church this morning. But listen… my friend who is a Soka Gakkai International Buddhist was speaking at the local Unitarian Universalist Church. She invited me to come. I'm trying to get her to join The Lasting Supper because she would love it and I...
Letter: ex-pastor
Happy Easter Morning! The sun is shining. The ice has broken up in the river and the moving river shines with light. My mug is full of coffee. Lisa is getting the table ready for our Easter dinner. Our boys are still in bed (9am here) and our daughter is still at...
Letter: Humility, Honesty, and Harmony
Good morning my friends. I want to welcome the new members who have joined The Lasting Supper this week. Just to let you know, I send out a kind of "lap-letter" (from my laptop) every Sunday, just to keep in touch on a more personal level. This is that! I love hearing...
Letter: The z-theory Part 3
I'm excited because we are launching some awesome improvements to the site TODAY, as well as making it totally compatible for mobile devices! Yay! How are you guys? I think about you every day and hope you are all well. We had a massive snow storm here, lost our power...