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Letter: Our Relationships and Rigour

I was taking my dog Abby for a walk along our road that follows the river. It was foggy but the sun eventually prevailed. What a strange sight and sensation walking through fog when the sunlight is piercing through. I could see the small particles of mist in the air,...

Letter: Knowtice Your Life

I know I misspelled “notice”, but I wanted to combine it with the word “know”. So there! I got up early this morning… 5am… to be with Lisa before she left for work at the hospital. She’s a nurse in the Oncology unit. She’s my hero....

Letter: On Being a Spiritual Refugee

Finally we have some sunshine. Lisa was off this morning so we went with a friend to breakfast. I got my usual: 2 eggs over easy, link sausage, potatoes grilled with onions, white toast with blueberry preserves, and coffee. It’s my one very sinful meal of the...

Letter: Let’s Get Mushy in Here

Good morning my friends. It’s very very early here. Lisa and I are heading out to Ottawa. 700 miles! We hope to be there by suppertime. Casile, a member of TLS, is doing her final year of her philosophy degree at Carleton University. Well, TLS has been up and...

Exercise: Understanding Your Emotions

Here is a chart to help us understand our emotions. You know how many of us were raised to not trust our emotions? Then do many of you remember how religion teaches us the same thing… that our emotions are not to be trusted or taken seriously? As a result we...

Letter: ex-pastor

Happy Easter Morning! The sun is shining. The ice has broken up in the river and the moving river shines with light. My mug is full of coffee. Lisa is getting the table ready for our Easter dinner. Our boys are still in bed (9am here) and our daughter is still at...

Letter: The z-theory Part 3

I’m excited because we are launching some awesome improvements to the site TODAY, as well as making it totally compatible for mobile devices! Yay! How are you guys? I think about you every day and hope you are all well. We had a massive snow storm here, lost our...