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    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Thank you @Tracey! I have to admit I’m scared to screw up. I do feel kind of proud of myself for going and meeting a total stranger when it’s SO not what I would normally do. :)

    @David Hayward, I have a lot of negativity to weed out yet. I really didn’t get positive reinforcement or really positivity in general, directed toward me at least, for most of my existence. When I’m feeling down the negative nellies get me. :P Thank you for you encouragement and kindness!

    And thanks, @irreverence ! :) I’m certain you could totally surprise yourself…I know I did! ;) I seriously thought I was gonna chase her!

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    My husband isn’t on the forum here. He and I are definitely on different spiritual wavelengths, but we don’t clash too often at all, thankfully. I giggled when I read Jeff’s “Christian Lite” description of his wife’s beliefs. That’s pretty similar to my husband.

    I am a non theist with a bent towards studying astrology, mysticism, and such, while my husband believes in Jesus and seems to enjoy debating with fundie folks sometimes. He is more universal reconciliation subscribing in his beliefs, which is probably why he isn’t concerned about my lack of belief in an anthropomorphic deity.  There are times when we both feel a little lonely in our life philosophies as a whole, but there are at least a few things we match up on.

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I can understand the awkwardness and uncertainty for sure. My only “advice” might be, should you decide to make first contact in person, maybe plan a picnic or other low investment outing in neutral territory. I have learned that it’s much less horrible to discover you just can’t hang out with certain people in a park or restaurant, than in your living room (or even theirs).

    ~ moxie

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I’m not saying I don’t want to punch her in the face, but BITCH PLEASE!!!!

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    You’re right, I’m thinking “Then DON’T!”…But I also get why it seems/feels more complicated. So maybe think about it this way: if it’s waking you up in the middle of your summer relaxation, then possibly your intuition is trying to get your full attention. I know it wasn’t encouraged at all before, and to heed a thought like that, or consider it to be a healthy thing  would’ve been considered selfish or ungodly…but I’m here to say otherwise! Tune in to your inner voice because I promise you it knows what is good for you (and your kids!)  I’m sure that lady doesn’t have your inner peace and freedom of spirit at heart. I know it. Despite what churchianity says, it’s a GOOD thing to look after you, on your own, and it is damaging to leave it to them. Take charge and follow your intuition. (If it were me, I’d  be tempted to ask her to meet me at a topless bar instead.) Also, someday, I DO want to meet you for coffee…;-)

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I’ll miss you around here, but I hope to keep in touch on FB from time to time! And I hear you…I can’t seem to stomach the discussion much at all myself anymore!




    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Wow, thank you so much for sharing! I too have experienced being first burnt out on my religion, and then finally diving into the many questions…And, I’m now happier and feel more compassion for others than ever before! At first, the open space felt scary and uncomfortable, but now I’m feeling like a wild creature who was born captive..and now I’m returned to my natural habitat and I’m exploring this vast jungle of wonderful things!

    I really do get why it’s a big deal to you! :-D





    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Thank you for all the support, guys! I really appreciate all of you..:)

    @Helene , I checked out the website..I’d LOVE to attend that someday..*sigh*

    @Jo White , you really do get what I’m saying! It’s truly an almost sitting still phase, but it’s not at all unpleasant or even unproductive. It’s like placid water after a rough river falls or something.

    @SaraJ , @admin, and @Kathy D , I wouldn’t forget any of you if I ever make it up that way(s)..;)

    @AgnosticBeliever , I am keenly aware of the world and kind of soaking it in and sorting it out while loving the feeling of my feet on the earth. :)

    @cowboyjunkey , I’ll visit you too! I’m happy you’re at a contented place, too..:D

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    That is such a cool story!! :D The tree sounds amazing…<3

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    In general, I find the concept of reincarnation absolutely fascinating! I also find my gut instinct admitting that is seems actually rather plausible, based on the cycles of death and re-birth that we see all around us. I was always cautioned away from exploring other philosophies and concepts, so it’s been a wild and colorful ride now that I’m totally free to see what’s out there. I was almost immediately drawn to reincarnation once I stepped outside the gates. Right now, I feel that just leaving the possibility for it to be real is helpful to my personal energy. (If that makes any sense)

    I had recurring dreams from a very young age that have made me wonder if I’m not having “memories” from a past life, but I don’t have anything as dramatically suggestive as @roseyaire does in her story. (Which I am massively intrigued by! I am so glad that you were able to find some peace and a measure of closure from those very unsettling experiences throughout your life!)

    Personally, I want to come back as a tree.


    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I’m surprised I had time to watch this video! ;)

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    I’m dangerous.


    Profile photo of moxierocks


    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Bad earworm Alert! It’s too late to ‘pologiiiize….cuz I already forgave you! :-)

    I’m right there with you, though…I’m actually probably more solid in what I DON’T believe than in what I do believe. if that makes any sense at all…



    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Also, they have pictures of athletes and suit clad hipsters. I can’t take them serial if I wanted to…and if they only need a few but only the best, then why aren’t the looking for a cloning machine? there’s only one MD..and you know he thinks he’s the best!

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